Technologies come and go and they often change the way we interact with the world. 

Emails were a step-up from fax machines and sending letters by post, for example. 

Live streaming services were a shift from traditional media, such as television and radio.
Social media platforms such as WhatsApp, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and TikTok changed the way we interacted with the world. 

Every system made it quicker and easier to communicate and consume information, and whether we acknowledged the changes or not, it penetrated and influenced our lives in a very big way. 

This time, the shift is happening through artificial intelligence. 

While it has been posed as the “robot taking over the world”, we should instead see it as yet another smart development and innovation in our ever-changing world. 

Instead of seeing it as a threat, every industry, including the media, should see it as an opportunity to make their work more efficient and productive.

For instance, artificial intelligence is being used in the medical field to accurately diagnose, treat and monitor patients. According to medical website, foreseemedical AI tools in the medical field are becoming indispensable. 

“AI in healthcare is expected to play a major role in redefining the way we process healthcare data, diagnose diseases, develop treatments and even prevent them altogether. By using artificial intelligence in healthcare, medical professionals can make more informed decisions based on more accurate information – saving time, reducing costs and improving medical records management overall. From identifying new cancer treatments to improving patient experiences, AI in healthcare promises to be a game changer – leading the way towards a future where patients receive quality care and treatment faster and more accurately than ever before.”

This is not the only field that AI is penetrating significantly. 

Businesses are using AI tools to automate tedious tasks and speed up productivity. For instance, tracking and monitoring tools are being used to ensure the smooth running of supply chains between manufacturers and distributors. AI tools can be employed in every step of the supply chain, from inventory management to enhancing warehouse safety which if left unchecked can result in a loss of important resources, including time and people. It can also help reduce operation costs and ensure on-time delivery. 

According to 

“AI in supply chains can deliver the powerful optimization capabilities required for more accurate capacity planning, improved demand forecasting, enhanced productivity, lower supply chain costs, and greater output, all while fostering safer working conditions.”

The pandemic showed how easily business processes can be interrupted, but through trained tracking and predictive tools, AI can help managers come up with contingency plans to ensure business runs as usual, even when the world comes to a standstill. 

The pandemic also disrupted many businesses and economies, many of which have not yet recovered to pre-pandemic levels. 

Russia’s invasion of Ukraine and other global crises did not make things easier either. The pandemic taught business-owners that having foresight and planning are important to ensure that their businesses do not crumble when a crisis hits. AI predictive tools and monitoring can protect developing economies and small businesses from catching a cold when big economies sneeze. 

There is more than one way that businesses can leverage AI to support growth and productivity, which would eventually lead to economic growth and sustenance. We just need to learn how to use the right tools. 

Using AI in the media industry is no different. The latest game-changer: ChatGPT 

The language learning model, first introduced in November 2022, can mimic human thinking and communication when information is put into the system. It has the capacity to write stories, articles, songs, poems, code, recipes and more – leaving industry leaders at loggerheads over what it might mean for the field. 

But AI itself is not entirely new to the media: in 2016, The Washington Post used AI systems to report on the 2016 Rio Olympics. The company developed its own AI system called Heliograf to report on the fast facts – such as scores, medal counts and other data related facts – freeing up time for  human reporters to work on more complex stories, according to news website Futurism. They later expanded the use of the system to report on high school sports games. 

Something similar was brewing at multinational financial news company, Bloomberg, with the development of its own natural language processing platform called Cyborg. The platform has multiple uses, from automating the process of collecting and analysing financial information, monitoring news, trends and investment opportunities, and extracting insights from text-based data such as news articles, research reports, and company documents, among others. It’s efficient for a fast-paced data-driven newsroom, like Bloomberg.  

Read more here and here

These are but a few examples of the role AI can play in advancing the different sectors in the world, but as with any new development in technology, there are risks; however, the more we use it, the more we will learn about it. That way we will find that AI is and can be an incredible addition to our work lives and personal lifestyle. You CAN make it work for you! 

Think about it: if we told you ten years ago that you would be able to command your iPad to play songs that are suited for your taste, while dimming the lights, you wouldn’t believe us. You’re not living in the future anymore, the future is here, and it’s now. We just need to be ready to live in it.