Centre for the Study of Violence and Reconciliation, in partnership with Oxfam South Africa, conducted a study on Violence Against Women (VAW).

CSVR A country in crisis pdf
Violence against women in South Africa is endemic.

The study sought to understand the high prevalence within South Africa and also aimed to inform interventions made by government and society in addressing VAW.


In anticipation of the launch frayintermedia was asked to increase the reach of the findings.

A strategy was developed to support the launch and included a media briefing and public seminar with social media activities and column placement in national newspapers.


Key to the strategy was the production of videos.

frayintermedia filmed a series of interviews with CSVR executives who spoke to their specific personal experiences and their research.

Simultaneously frayintermedia filmed a CSVR support group, capturing first-person stories of survivors.

This content was packaged with archive footage to create videos formatted natively for social media, designed to capture attention and increase engagement with CSVR’s communications.

frayintermedia’s team manages difficult interviews with sensitivity and empathy

Paula Fray, frayintermedia founder and mentor.

The frayintermedia Content Team is trained to manage difficult interviews involving sensitive subject matter. All of the interviews in this case conducted with the full permission of interviewees in safe spaces.

A check list for interviews involving Gender Based Violence

  • Ask the subject if he/she prefers anonymity
  • Check questions with interviewee and client
  • Ensure complete confidentiality
  • Shotlist and methodology requires sign-off at times
  • Editing of video takes place in a protected environment with sensitive production staff
  • Show completed video to subject where relevant

As a result of this work CSVR’s research trended on Twitter and was featured in 60 pieces of media, including the SABC where it was viewed by a possible 4 million South Africans. 

Column Writing

frayintermedia’s expert training staff coached CSVR executives in column writing and facilitated the placement of 13 opinion pieces in titles such as the City Press, Huffington Post, and others.

frayintermedia built on the success of the launch by supporting CSVR with a social media campaign around #EndVAWNow during the annual 16 Days of Activism campaign.

This campaign saw frayintermedia producing video content that was published natively on CSVR’s Twitter account, gaining huge traction and further media coverage for CSVR.

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